Monday 27 June 2016

Mindlab: Applied Practice - Assessment One - Links and Reflection

Yay! Finally. It feels so nice to have handed in this particular assessment two hours before it was due - no dramas and no issues. I am a massive procrastinator however - I learn more, engage better and focus more in depth when I've had a bit of time pressure. It sounds stupid - but it's the honest truth.

Here are the posts I've written:

Applied Practice in Context

Professional Communities of Practice

Trends and Issues in Education

Indigenous Knowledge and Responsive Pedagogy in Practice

Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in Practice

Still two more posts to write. I wrote the social media one sooooo quickly and so in depth. It's my passion though and as a writer it's important to be clear... just need to work on that concise thing now.. :)

Very close to the end now... I've been reflecting a lot about my practice but have yet to fully reflect and analyse my experience within the Mindlab. It certainly has stretched me. It's made me think a little bit differently. I think the majority of what I've gotten out of it all so far is the ability to put names to the things that I do and be more assertive in that I do actually know what I'm doing in certain areas. It's built up my confidence and shattered it too in some ways. I definitely need to work on my videoing skills, improve my ability to be concise with my words and get to the point more clearly. I also need to be more careful around what I say in regards to newbie elearners - because I forget just how far I've come in my journey and that we all have our own journey to go towards in everything that we do.

Really appreciate the learning I've had over the last 31 weeks... last week this week. Two more posts to write. One more assessment to complete for Applied Practice. Then we're done.

The journey continues to be one like the weather today - turbulent, sunny, windy, torrential rain, soft breezes, window shaking winds but overall - a safe haven from the storm inside my own classroom. Today without students excepting the seniors who are popping in with their whanau for their goal setting interviews.

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